Monday, April 25, 2011

As Artifacts (Walnut Creek, CA) :Post-Hardcore/Metalcore:

I heard of these guys, As Artifacts, through a friend of mine that had gone to seen them at The Venue in Los Gatos, CA earlier this year telling me how heavy these guys were live. I went on to look them up and sure as hell they came off really heavy in their debut EP "Reclamation" I fucking loved their first track Superdoom which begins with a programmed beat then eventually the guys come out heavy with their introduction on the last half of the track, then leading into their Ain't Not Party Like the Donner track. The riffs in the song come out very unique to me and mixed in so well with the rest of the track. More later in the track comes in a heavy symphonic breakdown which is knuckle-biting heavy. Atleast that's how I reacted when I first heard it for myself. Chugs Ahoy is probably one of the craziest tracks I know by these guys, it's all so good. Give it a listen HERE on their bandpage and download Chugs Ahoy for free on their "WELCOME/Free Download!" tab on the left! Visit their Facebook, like em, say whatsup and if you're anywhere around Los Gatos, CA try and make it out to their show with The Art of War, Watchers and Hunters, Five Characters in Search of an Exit, and more this Friday, April 29, 2011!

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