Monday, April 25, 2011

A Shipwreck A Castaway (Riverside, CA) :Pop-punk/Hardcore:

Ladies and Gents, please welcome A Shipwreck A Castaway. A Pop-punk/Hardcore band residing in Riverside, CA down south of us here in San Jose. I heard of these guys through a friend, Bo from Stickup Kid, when I was putting a show together at my school, Del Mar High (that became chaos but ended in an extremely sweet house show) and had them come down to San Jose to play for us. And we did not go wrong at all in doing so. These guys came off very professional with really awesome energy up on stage and had great crowd interaction. I could definitely tell from all the people sporting their shirts and buttons around that they really digged this band! Their music is definitely one in helping a broken soul, know you don't have to be alone in anything if you don't want to be. Give their tracks a listen HERE on their bandpage and you'll know what I mean. These guys were really down to earth with their fans and friends, and really inspirational. They needed a place to stay and I could not let down that offer after they came all the way down here to be troubled by a school! (Though, once again ending in a crazy house show!) They're really cool people to spend time with and I hope they can come by a city near you to play for you and meet them! Go visit their facebook, listen to their tracks, hit em up, show em love, support! Anything, these dudes will appreciate it!

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